unofficial blog for course ARCH210

Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015


Week 10

Prior to this weeks reading I have actually already been exposed to Raymond Hood. It brings me immeadiatly to radiator building in NYC. It’s one of the buildings that was constructed during the skyscraper boom in American. That was what defined the style that was there was almost like bragging about their countries technological advancement. Knowing that and reading the typical plan has brought me to an interesting place post reading. Raymond Hood as a figvure was always interesting and unexpected figure,no one knew what he was gonna do next. From his crazy skysdcrapper bridges to the homogeonous sleek modern skyscraper. Actually its the homogenity is what defines what was written in the typical plan. The idea that this plan could serve as like a universal rubric for buildings that also would force one to think differently about space.

One thought on “Week 10

  1. I’m glad that readings have taken you full circle from your previous knowledge. Indeed, his work was singled out by Koolhaas given its influence. However, I would have like to have read some specific sections (with accompanying quotes) to better understand what parts of the readings are standing out. Only then can your personal observations connect to this week’s lectures in a more ‘shareable’ way.

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