When discussing postmodernism, Venturi introduced the “Both-And” approach to us along with the opposite –”Either-Or.” I think in a way this can be compared to Tschumi’s “Space and Events” as Tschumi criticizes modernism’s “either-or” of focusing on the architecture’s events or its facade. More specifically criticizing the modern architect for “typical of an increasing desertion by the architectural profession of its responsibilities vis-a-vis the events and activities that take place in the space it designs” (Tschumi 141). Later on in the same page, Tschumi highlights the importance of architecture being a “place that confronts spaces and actions.” I think the word “place” is one of the most important terms in this whole text as it adds context of the experience of architecture. It can be contrasted to the words “texture” and “objects” as used in “Collage City” which are definitely more focused on the facade of architecture.
I also want to compare Tschumi’s approach to architecture with Aldo Rossi’s because while I feel they share similar ideas, they are also completely different. While Aldo claims architecture shapes one experience, I believe Tschumi would say the exact opposite– experience shapes architecture. Reading “Sequences” and seeing him go into more detail on the topic, one example came to mind– supermarkets. From Tschumi’s point of view, supermarkets are a good example of architecture because they are designed in a way that makes you experience the whole thing, not because of their facade.
Tschumi, Bernard. “Spaces and Events.” Chapter in Architecture and Disjunction 1981.